Obesity Surgery and Treatment in Turkey

Regain Your Health with Us!

Many Surgical Solutions for Treating Severe Obesity

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Welcome to Bimaristan

Obesity has become one of the most common diseases in the world, especially in the past decade. Obesity is a very serious health problem because it causes many deadly acute or chronic diseases and many physical and mental health-related disorders.

As the causes and types of obesity vary, so do obesity surgeries, which differ depending on each person's condition and the type of obesity they suffer from. The most important of these surgeries include: gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, laparoscopic gastric banding, and gastric balloon (both standard and smart types), among others. The most suitable procedure is determined by the doctor after a medical diagnosis of the case.

Advantages of Obesity Surgery and Treatment in Turkey

Turkey has become a leader in obesity surgery thanks to its advanced medical infrastructure and the expertise of its surgeons, who have successfully performed thousands of obesity treatments. Obesity surgery in Turkey is characterized by the use of the latest medical tools and techniques, ensuring impressive and safe results. Additionally, Turkey is known for its competitive and affordable prices compared to its global competitors. Turkey's stunning and picturesque nature offers a unique healing experience, allowing you to enjoy an unforgettable touristic journey to explore the country's wonderful landmarks.

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Bimaristan Offers You

The Latest Methods for Obesity Treatment

The Bimaristan team provides you with the latest surgical and non-surgical techniques to help you get rid of excess weight and treat severe obesity in Turkey, under the safest conditions. Most obesity surgeries in Turkey are performed using advanced laparoscopic techniques. Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgeries are the most common procedures in obesity surgery in Turkey.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most preferred treatment method for patients who want to lose weight. Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is performed using laparoscopic technology with a shorter recovery period. The surgeon will use a stapling device to create a small tube in your stomach and then remove the rest of your stomach. After the surgery, your stomach will be able to hold only 20% of what it could before, making you feel full faster and eat less.

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Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon Procedures

The gastric balloon is a modern, non-surgical weight loss procedure where the balloon is placed inside the stomach using an endoscope inserted through the mouth. This ensures no surgical complications, making the gastric balloon a preferred option for those wanting to lose weight without surgery. There are several types of gastric balloons, the most important of which are:

1- Standard Balloon (6 months or 12 months):

This balloon system consists of a single silicone balloon inserted into the stomach using an endoscope after partially sedating the patient. The balloon is then filled with saline. The gastric balloon makes you feel full early when eating, and it also reduces the stomach's secretion of the hormone “ghrelin,” responsible for appetite and hunger. Combined with exercise and a healthy diet, the patient can achieve remarkable results in a short period.

2- Smart Balloon or Swallowable Gastric Balloon Capsule (Elipse Balloon):

This is an advanced type of gastric balloon used for obesity treatment in Turkey. It is swallowable and does not require surgery or endoscopy for insertion into the stomach. It is a deflated balloon that inflates once inside the patient’s stomach, significantly reducing the risk of complications and side effects related to surgery and anesthesia.
The capsule helps reduce the amount of food a person can eat in one meal, aiding in weight loss. Additionally, the smart balloon shows relatively quick results compared to long-term surgical weight loss procedures.

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Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-En-Y)

Gastric bypass surgery is a surgical method that connects the upper part of the stomach to the small intestine. Its goal is to make the stomach smaller and reduce the amount of absorption in the stomach. Food bypasses the stomach and follows a path from the small pouch to the small intestine, making you feel full faster and absorb fewer calories than usual. The procedure can be performed via open surgery or laparoscopy.

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Stomach Botox

A modern treatment method for weight loss and obesity management involves injecting botulinum into specific areas of the stomach wall to reduce muscle contractions, delaying gastric emptying. This causes the patient to lose appetite and feel full for longer periods, thus reducing weight. This method is an alternative to diet and exercise and is not suitable for severe obesity cases. It doesn't require a hospital stay as it is performed in the clinic using endoscopic technology to achieve the best therapeutic results.

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Our Distinction

Why Bimaristan?

Another goal of obesity surgery in Turkey with Bimaristan Center is to learn healthy eating habits and make them a routine. Obesity surgeons and contracted nutritionists with Bimaristan Center continue to support our patients after surgery by providing counseling and nutritional advice. Most importantly, when patients learn to eat healthily, they become more selective in their food choices. As a result, this has a positive impact on health and well-being in general.

Advantages of Obesity Surgery with Bimaristan

  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Reversal of type 2 diabetes.
  • Improvement in heart and vascular health.
  • Reduced risk of cancer.
  • Longer lifespan.
  • Reduction in the intake of medications for diseases caused by excess weight.
  • Improvement in quality of life, self-confidence, and self-respect.

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Our Services

24/7 Service

Competitive Prices

VIP Services

Best Specialized Doctors

Health Insurance

Visa Assistance

Transportation Service

Translation Service

Flight Reservations

Accommodation Arrangement

Patient Follow-up

Latest Medical Devices

Customer Satisfaction

Operation Results

Before After Surgery Obesity 1
Before After Surgery Obesity 2
Before After Surgery Obesity 3
Before After Surgery Obesity 4

Certificates and Official Licenses

Tursab Kultur Saglik E1707592826698

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